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November 19, 2020 by Shari Twigg, MD
How do you look from the side? Do you have jowls now when you never used to have them 10 years ago? Read to learn about different treatments can be done to improve the jawline-neck region.

October 8, 2020 by Shari J. Twigg, MD
As you get older you may notice changes in your skin including hyperpigmentation, age spots or pigment spots, learn how you can reduce the signs of aging.

July 23, 2020 by Shari J. Twigg, MD
Schlerotherapy is the treatment used for unwanted spider veins, visible small bluish veins or small varicose veins in the legs. If you have these, you may be a good candidate for sclerotherapy to improve the aesthetic appearance of your legs.

May 20, 2020 by Shari Twigg, MD
Have you seen your waistline expand the last couple of months? Well, you aren’t alone. If you have found yourself searching through your cupboard or refrigerator every hour for something to eat while at home, the pounds can easily creep on.

April 3, 2020 by Dr. Shari Twigg
Stuck at home... tips to keep your skin healthy. Healthy skin begins with overall health, skin protection from the sun, healthy eating, exercise, and taking care of your skin with a medical-grade skincare regimen.

March 30, 2020 by Dr. Shari Twigg
Rosacea is a skin condition, that make the skin on your face appear red, even when you know you don't have a sunburn. See your doctor to address your rosacea, as you will need treatment to prevent further damage and prevent it from progressing

January 17, 2020 by Dr. Shari Twigg
Do you have cellulite or an area of stubborn fat that won’t budge no matter what you do? Dr. Twigg's latest blog article highlights the benefits of non-surgical liposuction.

September 26, 2019 by Dr. Shari Twigg
September is Healthy Aging Month and Dr. Twigg is getting skin deep in her latest blog article, discussing the difference between biological-aging versus photo-aging.
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